how many apples

This logic riddle asks you how many apples you have. There are seven apples on the table. You take three apples from the table. How many apples do you have now?

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equation puzzle

Math equation puzzle. Consider the following statements: A + A = B, B + B = D, A + D = E. Then what is the result of B + D + E ?

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new york city word game

In this brain teaser, fill in the missing letters and you get popular places in New York City. However, there is one place in the list which is connected to another city. Can you find it and name the city in this word puzzle?

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complex logic and math puzzle

Solve this logic task including three smaller logic and math tasks. Can you find the number for orange if you know numbers for lemon and apple? Share if you solve this complex puzzle!

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how many squares are there

A picture logic puzzle for winter evenings. Can you count the number of squares on the picture? Concentrate yourself and solve this maths picture logic puzzle. Share if you like.

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what's the answer math

what's the answer math puzzle. Fill in missing numbers in squares to get the correct result

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Which of the answers A) B) C) D) fits most likely to the clock on the left?

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we know the number you have in mind

Pick a random number between 1 to 100, add 50, add 20, subtract the number you chose and you get guess what?

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pinterest factorial

what is the result (factorials used). Make sure you know what is Pinterest!

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