solve this number puzzle
You have 4 numbers - 6, 15, 28, 45. Your goal is to find the fifth in a row based on the sequence pattern. Are you able to solve this brain teaser?
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77 solved this
sport rebus riddle
Here is a rebus. Can you find what it says? Use your brain and find the solution for this brain teaser!
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29 solved this
how many apples
This logic riddle asks you how many apples you have. There are seven apples on the table. You take three apples from the table. How many apples do you have now?
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39 solved this
equation puzzle
Math equation puzzle. Consider the following statements: A + A = B, B + B = D, A + D = E. Then what is the result of B + D + E ?
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522 solved this
fruit math challenge
You have five types of fruit, each with different number. Can you solve this math task and get the correct numbers?
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169 solved this
math pyramid brain teaser
There is a math pyramid on the picture. Are you able to solve this brain teaser? Each parent number is calculated from the child numbers.
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570 solved this
fruit brain teaser
This fun fruit brain teasers requires logical thinking. Can you find the numbers for different kind of fruit? There is an apple, banana and plum.
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471 solved this
logic riddle
What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?
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24 solved this
logic riddle
What word begins and ends with an 'e' but only has one letter?
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303 solved this