The 5 Colors
you must find which digit between 0-9 is under each of the 5 colors(two colors cant be the same number)
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45 solved this
A man was sitting on his couch riddle
A man was sitting on his couch and searching for the English Channel. How did he manage to find it? Can you find the answer? Please like & share if you solved this logic riddle.
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73 solved this
Happy New Year Math Puzzle
Thanks for being such great fans of math puzzles, riddles and questions during the whole year. We wish you a Happy New Year! Life is an accessible diary filled with empty pages waiting for you. Fill them up with your story as you go.
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121 solved this
Merry Christmas Puzzle
Merry Christmas to all of the brain fans! Can you solve this math puzzle with one present and tree? Please share if you solved! Thanks!
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112 solved this